Installation / Wallpaper
- Wohnen am Park, PPAG

Special effect as camouflage
In Baroque theater however, sensing the fake was considered a glory.
Special effects were designed to suggest hoax; that enhanced their art.
Norman M. Klein, The Vatican to Vegas, p. 31
Apotheose der Renaissance (Apotheosis of the Renaissance) is the title of the fresco located on the ceiling of the entrance hall in the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (Art Historic Museum of Vienna). It was based on Hans Makart’s drafts and executed in 1890 by Mihály Munkácsy.
From 1850 on Barock’s artistic special effects (awry perspective, trompe l’oleil) translated into industrial production. Commodity as a fetish merged with these special effects. That is how shrunken down representations (or toys) of art masterpieces for the home evolved.
These fetishised copies of Barock’s special effects constitute Classicism. The wallpaper directs towards ornament – away from the scripted space and by converting the fresco Apotheose der Renaissance via digital reproduction into a wallpaper used in a social housing complex, exact this transformation is hereby thematised.